I just can't do it to myself anymore, I think I'm just too old to sit in front of a screen for 10 hours without breaks (5 mins/hour doesn't count as a break imo). It's disappointing as I do prefer being deeper stacked enough to play a little more post flop. I'm sticking with turbo's from now on, and I might start breaking up the sessions into smaller segments throughout the day, and perhaps I'll up the tables I play from 13 to maybe 15 and see how I get on with that.
Those stats are from this month so far, mostly $4 180's and $1 45s. I ran pretty horridly in both games, especially 4s, it's a small sample, but I can't take the long sessions when I'm not winning, it's soul crushing in the extreme. I figure I can play 45s for like 6 hours/day and make enough to get by on. I might also mix in some $3 rebuys as they only take 90 minutes or so to complete.
My new target is now $2K/month. hopefully I can hit that on average and say goodbye to the tedious 10 hour sessions I've been playing over the past 10 days or so!
Bye for now...
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