Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Quick update..

Another stretch under ev, I'm not that bothered anymore, it's just pretty funny now. I'm exactly $75 (32 BI's) below ev at 2nl after 337k hands now. It does seem that if I play any significant sample of anything I'll end up below ev eventually. It'd be a really strange feeling to run above tbh.

I rememeber Chiren saying he ran horribly during a million hand sample at 2nl. I was intrigued, after checking on his overall ev during that 1 million hand sample, he ran at $223 below ev. I've played exactly 1/3 of that and I'm bang on schedule, it'd be $225 if I ran exactly the same until 1 million hands.

"31k sessions but had to change it at the end due to ev downswings and an unimaginable high amount of bad beats"

^^ A direct quote from chiren during his 1 million hands at 2nl in a month. This is a guy who has probably played 5+ million hands in his life, and has seen just about everything I expect, so for him to say that just confirms to me that I'm running badly and it's not all in my head. I need to know that, you can get paranoid pretty quickly playing poker so it keeps me level headed, I basically know it can, and sometimes does happen.

I just had another look at my overall ev, I'm 86 BI's below overall, when you look at it in BI's I guess it's not so bad. I reckon some people have had it worse.

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