So cash was stressing me out too much, with these new 30bb min tables it seems every table is TAG city! Even 10nl. Most of these tag's are bad but bad tags are less appealing than bad lags, especially when most of your game relies on showing up with strong hands, and waiting for the lagtards to donate.
It's probably been just one of those runs where no matter what you do, you can't make a profit. But I just needed to stop playing cash for the time being, for my own sanity as much as anything else.
so it was back to sngs :(
I had to cashout most of my broll so I decided to build again in $1 45's. It's been a while since I played 45s, I'd never played $1 one's but I was confident I wouldn't bust my broll on those lol. Thankfully I ran pretty average, which is like running sick hot for me in sngs if I compare it to my last 4k or so $2 180's. I'd honestly forgotten what winning pots deep with any hand was like, so to get hands to hold, win flips, and even suckout here and there was like being reborn in way lol.
Anyway, I'd decided to play 100 1s/day for a month with $900 profit being the target. I was bang on schedule through the first 18 days, keeping up the volume and winning at the rate I needed to. Here is my 1s graph from 1st August - now:
So $641 in 1915 games. A bit depressing really, but we are talking 1s, and 30% is roughly what I expected. After hitting $700 I was ready to try a few higher BI's. I went for $4 180's as the variance is lower than $2 turbo's. I planned to mix 1s with 4s, but after trying it for a couple of days, it's tougher than I thought. Two completely different structures. I'm a bad multitabler as it is, but when I have to continually adjust my stratefgy between the different games, I'm all over the place, especially when I struggle knowing which is which at times.
Anyway, with 8 days of the month left I'm actually at +$936 for the month thus far, even after a horribad run last night in 4s were I lost $70.
So it's been going to plan so far. I'm not sure what game I want to proceed with right now, 1s are easy but I'm not sure I can carry on making so little. I like the fact that I can take a break from them after only 1 hours play, but even at 30% the return is low. 4s are great for ROI but they take close to 5 hours to complete and only load every 10 minutes or so. 2s are a no go area for me still, I'm still breaking out in cold sweats at the thought of my dire run in the last 4k or so. $3 45s are an option, I figure I'd make an extra $100/1k games at those than in 1s but I'm not sure the extra regs/swings are worth the trouble. 3r 180s are a definite pull since everybody seems to be killing them, but right now they might stretch the broll a little too far, and It won't be long until they're reg infested also.
I'll probably spend the rest of the month playing what I feel like playing, and then make a decision on which direction is best for me once I have the funds in place.
Until next time...
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