So that was a pretty good day. I'm pleased I can now play some higher BI sngs, not sure I could've taken many more $1 turbo's. Speaking of turbo's, I think I'm done with them tbh (sorry John), they're great for playing when you have little time, or don't feel like doing 6 hour+ stints, but they probably suit my game the least if I'm honest. I hate playing feeling rushed, multitabling is difficult for me, I've never got to grips with it properly, and anymore than 10 tables really deos seem to mess up my game, especially with the amount of shorthanded play you get in 45s. I've decided I don't like the increased luck element in them either, and although I know skill wins out in the end, I'm tired of giving away so much of whatever edge I may have everytime I play. Obviously all poker has a huge luck factor, but at least you can avoid being forced to go with atc the majority of the time in regular speed tourney's with deeper stacks and slower blind levels.
I've been playing a number of scheduled mtt's over the last few days also, I'd forgotten how evil those are haha. I've been very unlucky with about 30 people left, losing with dominating hands allin for huge stacks. I was CL for a while with 20 people left in the $4 4max 1k cap tourney and ended up busting 15th with AK vs sickening. But I'm not gonna get too upset about it, I'm trying to remain positive, there have been a lot of positives to take from all these mtt's, it's surely only a matter of time before I bink a nice score, unfortuntely, playing such a small sample of them each day means it might take a very long time before it happens, but it's got to happen eventually if I keep going deep like that.
So here is August so far...
Obviously helped by a nice run in 4s from the last week or so, but if I'm honest I seriously could've been up $1k or so from 4s alone, oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I just hope the enevitable variance doesn't prove this last week to be too costly. My target this month was $1k, and I've managed (thus far) to surpass that goal. Next month I hope to hit $2k. If I continue to put in the hours, and avoid being death swtiched, I think it could be within reach. Hopefully I can run really good and hit a big one in one of the guaranteed donkaments, although the chances are slim obviously haha.
Pretty much all of my play has been on Stars, but I did put $50 on Fulltilt which is almost gone already...probably not a good idea to play $3 rebuys on a $50 roll lol. I might move another $100 on there next month sometime if I can afford it, and play a few $2 and under tournies. The play is pretty soft on that site, and with the smaller field sizes, I'm sure I can hit something decent soon enough.
I guess the plan is more of the same for next month, with perhaps a more focussed effort building the roll still further from 4s, and playing enough larger field mtt's to give me the best shot to hit a $1k+ score along the way :)
Now, onto more serious business...
Only a week to go now!
Until next time!
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