I shouldn't really bother with a blog tbh, I fail so hard at updating it. Anyway, I have some time on my hands so I guess I might aswell fill it.
On the poker front things have been slow. Yet again I've decided to switch games, and go back to cash. I'm not even sure why, just out of boredom I think. My results have been going fine in sngs/mtts, the non-turbo variety that is. Turbos have beaten me senseless over the past 6 months or so, I've barely made anything from them, so much so that I even started to breakeven at $1 45s (lol). Obviously small samples etc, but I'm completely over playing them now, and although I've said it before, I probably won't ever play another turbo again.
So after the small mtt success, reported in my last couple of entries, I actually hit another relatively decent score I think it was 2nd in a 2r for approx $550 on Stars. Forgot to screen shot the lobby for the blog, I'm blocked on opr too, but it happened.. I promise, haha. Actually got it in with AJo vs JTs allin pre hu and lost to a rivered flush, oh well.
Just remembered it's on my P5's profile:
Got 17th in a large field mtt a couple of weeks ago too, first was approx $5k I think. I had a top 3 stack for a long time but went totally card dead leading up to the ft, and couldn't find many steal spots. I was pretty gutted not to hit another big one, but I can't really complain, I've done really well in just a few mtts played over the last month or two.
Spent some of December playing $2 180s, shot up to something like $1400 then went on the enevitable swong and lost about $450, afterwich I decided to switch to $4 180s for a while and again did pretty well. I think I made about $1800 in January from a mix of $1 45s and $4 180s (mostly $4 180s obv), and then about $100 from 2nl and 5nl for fun. January and February were the first $1k+ months back to back, I'm fairly certain I've never done that before. Perhaps I did in cash games a while ago, but I don't remember. I really need to keep making that kind of money month after month, only laziness prevents me from doing this really.
I've yet to play this month, so far, but I'm planning to play quite a lot of 5nl to see what kind of wr I can achieve, before a possible move back up to 10nl and then 25nl. Depending on what happens at 5nl, I might even decide to keep playing down there for longer. As lol as that sounds. I don't need to make much more than $750/month at the moment, so 5nl might be a fun, and relatively variance free way of doing that. Lots of hands but when the games are that soft it's easier to get through them. Auto pilot ftw!
So it's cash for the rest of the month, I'll reavaluate at the end of February before making any further plans. Perhaps I'll become a cheeseburger grinder for the rest of the year haha.
Edit: Just unblocked myself on OPR and SS:
Actually did $1k+ back to back a few months before too. I hadn't even realised.
And ship the $20k (overall profit) landmark on Stars! One of the few legit brags I can make. I think it's a brag anyway. I guess I could've done it quicker without $1 and $2 turbos but whatever, better late than never.
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