Ok, so I've officially decided that making a good living from poker just aint gonna happen, so instead, I'll be looking to make a shit living from it for the next year or so. I was lying in bed last night thinking about money and it kinda just hit me that I'm quite content being poor. I've never looked at rich people and thought "wow, I wish I was them." As long as I have somewhere to crash, am warm and always have something to eat, I'm as happy as a pig in shit tbh. All these material things... you can't take them with you. Besides, who knows, I might not even make it to 40, so who cares, right?
I plan to just play the most fun, lowest variance games I can from now on. So long as I can pay my meagre bills each month I'll be happy.
So instead of putting pressure on myself to make an unrealistic amount each month, I'll be playing for fun only, making sure I make just enough to get by on. I've always believed I'd never make it to 40 for one reason or another, and have never planned for life after that age. I've never thought about marriage or children, it just never interested me. I have other reasons to think this way but I'd rather not publish them in a public blog at this time. I'm not terminally ill or anything (or at least I'm not aware that I am) but I have strong suspicions that my health won't hold up for much longer than another decade haha.
I've been thinking of a way to make the grind fun, bigger swings seem to stress me out more than they should, playing for big pots it's a stressful thing for me. I guess I do care for the money if it stresses me, but the stress isn't about not making tons of money, it's the worry of not being able to make enough to get by on, especially since I've now been out of proper work for about 3.5 years.
So to stay motivated, aswell as maintaining the fun aspect, I'm gonna try to become the greatest micro cash grinder there's ever been. I want to set records in microland that will be hard to match. Not from a skill aspect of course, there are far more skillful players than me, even some of those fellow cheeseburger grinders have more skill than I do.
No, I'll be looking to play a lot of volume at the very lowest stakes, a stake where no sane person would grind full time. I want to post some ridculous benchmarks that might never be matched (mostly since nobody will bother). I'm gonna look to annoy the trolls on ptr as much as humanly possible, I won't stop until I have at least 10 pages of frustrated breakeven/losing players projecting their own inadequacies by spamming my profile with the usual:
"fish can't beat higer stakes"
"only plays abc"
"would get destroyed at higher stakes"
"makes less than a Chinese sweatshop worker"
"makes less than minimum wage"
"nice hourly"
"doesn't make any sense"
And my personal favourite... "move up"
Hopefully I'll get plenty of the above coz it makes me 'lol' so much.
So yeah, as of now (by 'now' I obviously mean 2moz) I'm a full time Hamburglar. Perhaps the only one? Wow, I could end up being the new 'BlackRain79' Something to aspire to at least, haha! I'll know I've made it when I've surpassed the number of haters he has.
So yeah, I'm going to make a huge effort to keep this blog updated with my cheeseburger adventures, and hopefully I'll slowly build a following in microland. It will take some time, people won't notice me until I start appearing at the top of ptr leaderboards, which will take a while.
Eventually I'll surpass the top winner on the all time lists and hopefully that'll open up some doors in terms of coaching etc. Coaching is something I love to do, I get a lot more fun from it than playing. I'm sure they'll be players struggling at the stakes I beat who could benefit from me, and as I'm not looking to make masses of money, I'd be a pretty cheap option for those guys. Anyway, that's getting ahead of myself, I'll need to hit the tables consistantly hard for the best part of a year before anything like that can happen.
Fun times ahead....and that.
Until next time...
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