After deciding to begin the micro cash grind, I was torn between 2nl and 5nl (lol). Both games are easy obviously, but If I want to do something that can't be matched I think I'll start at 2nl and crush the shit out of that first. Perhaps I'll move to 5nl once I'm satisified I've achieved something special (in both senses of the word) at the lowest stake out there.
The first session was really fun. I ran pretty hot if I'm honest, got AA vs KK like 3 or 4 times and won a couple of stacks with AA/KK vs QQ. I even managed to suckout with KK vs AA one of the two times it did happen. Unfortunately the other time it was for 250bbs.
I'm not sure what my feelings are about stacking off pre with KK at 2nl when stacks are that deep. He was a passive fish who raised 5x pre and just jammed on my 30c 3b. I knew it was a bad situation but I expected a player like that to min 4b AA or soemthing lol. Anyway, I couldn't fold it but whatever, It's ez to forget how deep you are when all you're losing is $5 haha.
So here are the results of yesterdays play:
Nice to run so far above ev. I wanted to play another 2k hands but I was feeling a little tired and didn't think my chances of making much were good after such a hot run. I'm going to try and aim for zero losing days for the rest of the month. Probably won't happen, but it's doable at 2nl for sure.
I'll be trying to keep a daily running update from now on.
I'm going to change the blog name yet again haha. It started out with "supernova elite in 2011" at cash, to "Sng madness" when I quit cash and went back to sngs, to "Trying to bink a score" when I switched to mtts.
My god, I change my mind constantly, no wonder I've never completed a single goal I've set in poker haha. My blogs just read like a ridiculous rollercoaster of plan switching. Time to finally stick one out me tinks!
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