I said I'd aim to update daily but tbh there isn't a lot to say on a daily basis. Results have been slow since my last entry. Some turn/river cards have left me wanting to pull my head off!
It's pretty ridiculous sometimes how things go, It's seemed like everytime I've bet the flop with a pair, 2 pair, or even a set, the turn has put a straight or flush out there, and of course there's usually 2 or 3 callers. It's made things really tough at times. I've had so many strong hands that suddenly become vulnerable to a better hand.
I'll be honest it's a real dilemma at 2nl. These guys float with whatever they have and they love suited shit aswell as gut shots etc. it's sometimes tough to give them credit for anything, but the board runs out so bad at times it's tricky to anything but check fold the river. I've left a lot of money on the table because of this.
I'm still learning how best to play 2nl but I think I might have been a little too aggressive over the last few days. I think I'm starting to shape a decent game for it now though.
One thing that's driving me mental is the min bet. A players limps, you raise, the pot is like 22c and they proceed to min bet the flop and turn, then sometimes they'll like pot the river or even min bet again. the problem is if you raise they SNAP it, so you're left guessing what they have half the time. It appears they're weak but I've tried firing again and again but get the same result SNAP SNAP SNAP! Obviously I don't mind when I have anything half decent but I've been raising these min bets with air half the time and it aint working haha. So now I'm left just calling down min bets in a 20c+ pot where they vaule town me with 3rd pair, but how can you fold A high to 2c bets? Oh well, I'm sure I figure it out some day.
It really is crazy what you see though. If it was 25nl+ I'd have tilted off about $1k by now I swear. Luckily $2-$5 pots don't tilt me quite as bad. I have tilted though, just not really badly yet. I think I'll stay in control for the most part, it's a comforting feeling that even when you get stacked twice in a row the next stack you'll win is just around the corner haha.
Talking of tilt, I've been trying really hard to eradicate emotion from my game. I think that's the key to tilt control, there isn't such a thing as tilt CONTROL actually, there is no cure for it if you tilt as bad as some of us do. I saw a CR video that talked about when emotions get in the way of rational thought there isn't a thing you can do about it, it'll damage your game until it's out of your system completely. So prevention is better than cure, certainly is when it comes to tilt. So the way to prevent an emotional response is to take emotion out completely. I've worked on this and it's getting there, I'm tyring to train my mind to stay calm and not let anything that happenes at the tables affect me. Ok, so that's almost impossible, but I think I'm going in the right direction. Avoiding huge losing session helps too obviously haha.
Thing is I'm a really emotional person. It's not like I cry all the time or anything (I haven't cried for a long time) but I tend to get seriously angry If things don't go exactly how I want them to, both in poker and in life. I'm starting to sound like a mentalist now but it's superficial anger really. It's not like I'm on the brink of going postal or something, it's more like "wtf, why does this always happen to me! Why, why, whyyyyyy!" Haha. I'll even swear sometimes if I drop something or perhaps if I change the channel on the tv by mistake, I get really fucked off about the smallest things. It only lasts for a second but I'll often have an overreaction to silly little things that don't matter.
I took a personality test in the past and from my answers it told me I was a cerrtain type, I forget the name now but the description seemed to fit. Apparently my 'group' liked everything to go as aspected and if it didn't it would 'unsettle' them. Sounds accurate to me haha.
Anyway, on to results (since last entry):
So zero losing sessions. Obviously a good run but I'm a little disappointed if I'm honest, I made a number of mistakes throughout and definitely spewed more than I needed to. That said, you can't play perfectly all the time, so all in all things went as expected really. Almost exactly to ev too.. I'm calm haha.
I would try to save a few more hhs for the blog but It's difficult 12 tabling 6max and trying to dig out the right one. Did manage to save one though, a relatively interesting spot I think. I'm not sure calling the river jam is correct here, we're either splitting the pot or I'm beat. I'm letting go of about 60c invested but I don't think it's worth calling off a further $3+ when a split is the best I could hope for. I'll just assume he had A9 or quads, I'll sleep better tonight that way:
Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
BTN: $0.73
SB: $2.06
Hero (BB): $5.00
UTG: $4.50
CO: $1.85
Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is BB with A
UTG calls $0.02, 2 folds, SB calls $0.01, Hero checks
Flop: ($0.06) 4
SB checks, Hero bets $0.04, UTG calls $0.04, SB calls $0.04
Turn: ($0.18) A
SB checks, Hero bets $0.13, UTG calls $0.13, SB calls $0.13
River: ($0.57) 9
SB checks, Hero bets $0.40, UTG raises to $4.31 all in, SB folds, Hero folds
On a personal note, I forgot my dad's b'day again! I don't think I've ever remembered it in my life. That's terrible isn't it? :(
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